Blacephorum | IRL-Pokemon Roleplay
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This user has made their first post!
Partner Pokémon : Luxio
Favorite Pokémon : Leafeon
Posts : 23
Join date : 2024-07-09
Location : Space

[OOC] Moderation Rules Empty [OOC] Moderation Rules

Wed Jul 10, 2024 11:27 am
Below are the rules that all users must follow, whether posting to the [IC] or [OOC] forums.

  • Rules with an asterisk* are bannable offense if broken.
  • Rules with two asterisks** will result in a warning (lasts 30 days). Accumulating a second "warning" before the previous has expired will result in a ban.

  1. All users must be 18 years of age or older.*
  2. Keep all discussion and posted images, especially in the [OOC] category, PG-13. Light jokes are okay, but NSFW jokes about the Pokemon themselves or minor (younger than 18) characters (or characters that appear or seem to be children, if an age isn't specified) will result in a ban or warning depending on the offense, intent, and post history.
  3. Be nice. Do not harass anyone. We have a zero-tolerance policy for racism, ableism, fatphobia, homophobia, transphobia (and general queerphobia), xenophobia, misogyny, any overlap thereof, and so on.*
  4. Please familiarize yourself with memetic alt-right/otherwise right-wing or fascist dogwhistles and avoid using them, even "ironically" or in jest. You can read about the topic here.**
  5. Swearing is okay, even in the roleplay threads, but absolutely no slurs or otherwise bigoted language.*
  6. Avoid political or otherwise sensitive discussions (though some conversations are necessary in some situations, so we'll judge reports on this on a case-by-vase basis). Threads without argument or sensitive discussion that are, for example, celebrating something like gay marriage being legalized somewhere (and similar examples), are not considered for this rule.
  7. No pro-cop, pro-military, pro-prison, pro-colonialism, and so on, on here. I do not care if your uncle's best friend is a "good cop."
  8. No posting or linking to callouts or "warnings" about other users, period.**
  9. One account per character to maintain the facade of this being a Pokemon Trainer social media (...preferably. You can make multiple accounts under one e-mail (and are encouraged to do so) by adding "+1", "+2", and so on, e.g., ""). You can have as many accounts as you have characters. Do not use this to circumvent blocks or harass others. This will result in a ban of all of your accounts.
  10. Please avoid spamming the forum with multiple threads. Spamming your own thread is fine and funny. Spamming a thread created by someone else without their permission is generally considered rude, don't do it.**
  11. Goes without saying, but don't hack anything, raid the forum, or do any shit like that. I will immediately lock out new accounts and lock (or even delete if necessary) the entire forum if anyone's personal information security is threatened. This has been your warning.*
  12. Don't DM admins or moderators, or post publicly, if you have an issue with another user (yes, even if you think you are "warning" everyone; this falls under our rule about callouts). Our report button is visible, private, and very functional. If you're not sure a report was received, send an e-mail to
  13. Don't share any personal information; not full names, e-mail or home addresses, or anything that could identify you on the forums (DMs are okay -- FOR E-MAIL ADDRESSES ONLY. DO NOT SHARE OTHER PERSONAL INFO -- so long as you trust the recipient). This is not a Discord server, ANYONE can find this info through a Google search if you post it here.
  14. If you see someone post personal information, report it immediately and it will be deleted swiftly. Usually we will notify the OP (though not warn on a first offense). Please note that this forum does not take responsibility for any consequences of sharing your personal info.
  15. It's recommended to refrain from posting social media handles (aka usernames) publicly, unless you're trying to garner attention on it (such as if you have art commissions you're advertising).
  16. Do not upload any photos of your or anyone else's face on here, censored or otherwise. Faces and other identifiable features must be completely cropped out.
  17. Do not post recent Pokemon spoilers. Leaks must be kept to a dedicated Leaks thread. Marks your thread with "[SPOILERS]" in the title if it discusses them for at least a month after a new release (1 week for anime episodes). Don't be surprised if a moderator does it for you, but if we have to repeatedly fix your threads, it may result in a warning.

REPORTING: You can report posts via the flag icon at the top-right of posts. The forum also has both in-character and out-of-character "warning" badges. This means you can totally report other users as a joke if you'd like! We might ban accounts for jokes if someone expresses desire in the OOC channels. This was asked for by a user and I find it incredibly funny so I'm implementing it.

If you're reporting a user's post as a joke, please be sure to mark the report as "JOKE/IN-CHARACTER".
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