Blacephorum | IRL-Pokemon Roleplay
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Partner Pokémon : Luxio
Favorite Pokémon : Leafeon
Posts : 23
Join date : 2024-07-09
Location : Space

[OOC] Roleplay rules Empty [OOC] Roleplay rules

Wed Jul 10, 2024 11:56 am
Below are the rules that all users must follow when roleplaying.

  1. While users must be 18 years of age or older, characters are allowed to be 13 or older.  Note that in-character, the forum is meant for users ages 16 and older.
  2. If it wasn't already clear, this forum is for roleplaying as humans only. If you post as a Pokemon, other characters can choose to assume your character is like, roleplaying within the roleplay.
  3. All posts in the [IC] category must be in-character. Keep even short OOC notes to DMs or OOC threads (even something like "[A/N: sorry for the long response!]" is too much and disallowed in the [IC] threads). If necessary, feel free to make a companion/commentary thread in an [OOC] category. Ideally the [IC] threads read as "authentic" as possible. Breaking this rule won't result in a warning, but your post will be deleted or edited by mods; repeated offenses may result in a warning.
  4. With all that said... this forum is for fun. The ultimate goal of the forum is to make your fellow user laugh at the combination of the Pokemon fantasy world and the mundanity of posting on a forum. Even the previous rule is to keep the joke solid.
  5. Don't take the posting itself super seriously. This isn't the kind of roleplay where you write out a character's thoughts and individual actions, so don't stress about writing quality (even though a lot of this is for fun and a joke, if you really like roleplaying as a Trainer, please do so! You don't have to be the best at jokes, either, just have fun!). Every time you post, it should read as if your character is, in-universe, typing and posting on their phone or computer. That said, developing a solid style and/or voice will lend itself to your character.
  6. No playing as existing characters. They can be (preferably distant) relatives to an existing character so long as the relative hasn't been 1) disproven by canon (e.g., no playing the sister of a character who is canonically an only child) or 2) featured in any official media (even minor roles can't be used here, like, for example, one of Brock's siblings). I do not wish to delegate arguments over "canon character dibs."
  7. With the previous rule in mind, you can have a character who works as a Pokemon Center Nurse, so long as you don't stake claim to a particular one that's appeared in like, the anime. See "[IC] World Information" for more info about this particular character.
  8. There's no other currently existing rules for character creation other than being 13+ and original. You can get silly with it, though if your character breaks the "[IC] World Information" guidelines, other users have full permission to have their character assume your character is lying.
  9. This sort of RP is historically very art-heavy; you're allowed to upload artwork (though images featuring real life locations must be safely cropped and/or edited to exclude identifiable features), but please be aware that not everyone can or desired to draw a picture for every post! Try to be fair and balanced in your interactions, and don't inherently value visual art-based posts over text-based.
  10. It's highly encouraged, though not necessarily required, to stick to canon locations (at the very least, canon regions) and canon Pokemon. Mainly so other users know what you're talking about.
  11. Please do not translate any real-world political events or tragedies into the Pokemon World. I know Latias and Latios 9/11 is a common joke (Funny. Did laugh), but this isn't the place for it.
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